Original article at https://www.nst.com.my

THE Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) office bearers sent a strong message following the arrest of their president, Datuk Abu Samah Abdul Wahab by saying they will stand behind the long-serving administrator.

Abu Samah was detained by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on Thursday for ‘abuse of power’.

“We, the office bearers of MNCF, will assist MACC. We stand behind Abu Samah.

KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 -- The Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) will be organising the "MNCF Virtual Ride" Cycling Championship from Aug 7 to 29 in preparation for the next few international tournaments.

Tahniah buat Dato’ Azizul Hasni Awang meraih kilauan Pingat Emas di Kejohanan 125th Austral Wheelrace! 🥇
Bagi pihak seluruh exco,ahli majlis dan ahli gabungan Persekutuan Kebangsaan Berbasikal Malaysia Datuk Ab Samah Abd Wahab,
merakamkan ucapan tahniah atas kejayaan ini. Terus harumkan nama 🇲🇾 di persada dunia.
#DemiMalaysia #DemiPertiwi #PKBM#PersekutuanKebangsaanBerbasikalMalaysia.
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